Friday, September 24, 2010

C is Two Months old!

HOLY COW 2 months already! It has gone incredibly fast. She is still Exclusively Breastfed (I'm extremely proud of this!). She is smiling all the time now and can focus in on anything within about a 4 foot radius. So far her only nickname is Peepers (A is Bug and it took us FOREVER to get to that!). Here are her stats compared to her 1 month appointment and birth.

Birth 8.2lbs, 1 month 10.2lbs, 2 month 13.3lbs (OMG!)

Birth 19in, 1 month 20in, 2 month 21in

My little chunky monkey!

Just for comparison.

An afternoon with A

I haven't really spent any alone time with A since C was born (Bad Mommy!) so I decided that we would bake cookies. A loved this idea and Daddy watched C minus feeding times so we could have this time together.

We made sugar cookies (Yum!) No bake cookies (YUMMY!), and Pumpkin cookies (OMG YUMMIEST!). We had a great time getting messy and going uptown by ourselves to get ingredients.

Please excuse my messy kitchen and bad pictures :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day to myself sorta

My mom took A today so I had a day with just C. So my friend "C" came over and we worked on some scrapbooking. I didn't get as much done as I wanted but I did want to show you all what I did get done on C's book. These are not in order but they are sets :) Enjoy!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Bad morning but Good Hubby and Daughters!

I was up nursing C this morning at about 3am and started getting lower back pain that just kept getting worse. After about 1.5 hours I couldn't even think. I was really shaky, hot then cold, and I was on the toilet every 10 min. and vomiting into the trashcan to boot. My extremely great hubby got me water and took care of the girls (except for breastfeeding LOL, he still wont try that LOL). I told Hubby that I couldn't do anything and was basically worthless. All I was able to do this morning was nurse C and lay on the couch in between bathroom runs. He was super great and really stepped up. I'm feeling better tonight but not great. I upgraded myself from "I'M GOING TO DIE!" to "I FEEL LIKE CRAP RAN OVER WITH A TRUCK!". That is an improvement right?

On a much better note:

A is doing GREAT potty training. We have been really working hard at these past 3 days and she only has had 2 accidents (I dont count the small amount this morning because it was my fault). I'm so proud of her. I'm not buying her anymore diapers so this better work LOL.

Hubby starts days tomorrow (YUCK!) so lets hope tonight and tomorrow are a lot better then this morning for me.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Tears held in...and Rat dogs

My little girl is silly...I love that she clings to mommy, is girly and mostly sweet. That being said sometimes its all I can do to correct her without laughing at her antics. Today being case in point.

We went up to my "step-Moms" (D) because my dad and "sister" (L) were there and "sister" had breast pump parts for me.

This kind of freaked out my father a little LOL.

Well D has this dog (I guess you could call her a dog but she looks more like a rat to me!) Lena.

We had been at D's house for about an hour and everyone was on the porch including the dog and A was jumping around.

Lena is not the brightest dog and a toy Yorkie I should point out.

2lb rat dog + jumping toddler = toddler getting her butt tapped (by me) for "kicking" the dog. I later found out it was an accident but this ruff behavior with animals has been an ongoing thing.

A hides her eyes and is trying not to cry. I pick her up and hold her in my lap while she is upset. We talk and just when I think she will be ok and not cry...ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!

Oh, the tears were horrid, grandparents want to do the sweep in and hug but Mommy is all mean and holding her hostage.

I dont think she has ever been in trouble in front of Papa and Nana before so she was embarressed and crying/sobbing/snotting all over me.

Finally she crys "I want to go home".

Boy did I feel like the worlds meanest mom when I found out it was an accident (not the point but still).

When I asked her later why it took her so long to cry (seriously about 3 min.!) she said "I was so sad the tears were stuck!".

Tonight she spent all night telling me she will never hurt "ennie" again and she is sorry...

Lets hope she remembers and it works on all animals because Alex our Shitz Tzu cant take many more body slams from 30lb girls...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My 1st nursing cover.

I made this wonderful nursing cover. I had bought one but the darn thing was so hard to nurse with. I couldn't see C because the darn neck wouldn't stay up. I really need to work on making the "inside" of things look good but I'm ok with just the outside looking good ;) This is a extra wide nursing cover because I'm not a petite woman LOL. The first picture is a close up of the cool fabric I used. I had it for awhile but couldn't figure out what to do with it. It worked out great for this. I used

1 1/2 yards fabric
2 D rings
about 1/4 yard corset boning (the stiffest you can get in white)
*length of area between bra straps and add about 1 inch*

I just started sewing without a pattern but got the general idea from Blisstree

It took me about half an hour (ok a little longer with stopping to play with A and feed C).

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Its been awhile...

Since I posted on here. We are all doing well and adjusting to having Baby C. A has had some problems in that area (no surprise there). She loves her new baby sister and she is great with her. Her attitude with me and daddy is horrid at times. But she is overall doing well. C is growing too fast! She is 6 weeks now and stinking cute! She looks just like her Daddy! She is smiling now but you have to really work for a smile. She weighs over 10lbs now. We are still Exclusively breastfeeding (I'm so proud of this!), and it is going awesome. Last night Hubby gave her a bottle so my breasts were very full this morning and I was able to pump out 4 extra oz. I have over 30 oz stored in my freezer now. As a stay at home mom I don't know that I will ever need it but its good to be prepared. If I don't use it, I can always donate it. I would love to do this and have been looking into it. The only thing that is kind of discouraging about donating it is you have to donate at least 100 oz at a time and I don't know that I will have that before the first oz that I pumped out "expires". Well C is hungry again so I will get off of here. Love to all.