Thursday, May 20, 2010

I realized Last night

When my wonderfully honest 2 year old informed me that my hair had "sparklies" (damn gray hair!)that I'm going to be *gasp* 30 this year. I don't feel it. Early Gray Hair runs in my family and with being pregnant I have seriously neglected my hair. I haven't had a hair cut or even a trim in well over 8 months. I just want to know what happened between this
(yes I am taking a nap on a bread rack! I think I'm about 4)

and THIS!
(When did I turn into the crypt keeper?)

After Charlie is born I think it is time for some serious maintenance! How did I let myself become this huge, dumpy person? Ok, end of my self pity rant!


Dream House Trish said...

thanks for dropping by my blog, a dream house for Trish, I love visitors as I have only been blogging for 3 weeks. Good Luck with your new bub. You sound like you need to go off & be pampered at the hairdressers. Its so easy to forget about looking after ourselves when we become a mum, especially when your pregnant & tired You deserve it girl, make yourself No.1 for an hour or so!!!

Heather said...

Hi. Thank you so much for stopping by.

I usually go get my hair done right before giving birth because my mom won't quit taking my picture!!
If you can swing it get a pedicure too!!

Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

Thanks for stopping by! Returning the Friday Follow love! :-)